Kubernetes Monitoring Stack

Published: Jul 17, 2022 by Ufkun Karaman

Kubernetes Monitoring Stack


  • Helm Installation

  • Helm Repo add and pull

      helm repo add prometheus-community https://prometheus-community.github.io/helm-charts
      helm repo add stable https://charts.helm.sh/stable
      helm repo update
  • Deploy Kubernetes Monitoring Stack with helm

      kubectl create ns monitoring
      helm install monitoring prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack -n monitoring
      ### Note: If you modify helm chart values, you can do this ### (OPTIONAL)
      wget https://github.com/prometheus-community/helm-charts/blob/main/charts/kube-prometheus-stack/values.yaml
      helm install monitoring prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack -n monitoring -f values.yaml
  • Can Access with port forwarding

     $ kubectl get pods -n monitoring 
     NAMESPACE       NAME                                                          READY   STATUS             RESTARTS           AGE
     monitoring      alertmanager-monitoring-kube-prometheus-alertmanager-0        2/2     Running            0                  5m
     monitoring      monitoring-grafana-596asdsd79-pm5f6                           3/3     Running            0                  5m
     monitoring      monitoring-kube-prometheus-operator-qwe14dbc64-22qtl          1/1     Running            0                  5m
     monitoring      monitoring-kube-state-metrics-7fasdqw55b-7qk22                1/1     Running            0                  5m
     monitoring      monitoring-prometheus-node-exporter-2aslt                     1/1     Running            0                  5m
     monitoring      monitoring-prometheus-node-exporter-sdslb                     1/1     Running            0                  5m
     monitoring      monitoring-prometheus-node-exporter-jssv4                     1/1     Running            0                  5m
     monitoring      monitoring-prometheus-node-exporter-laswb                     1/1     Running            0                  5m
     monitoring      monitoring-prometheus-node-exporter-aastx                     1/1     Running            0                  5m
     monitoring      monitoring-prometheus-node-exporter-vasns                     1/1     Running            0                  5m
     monitoring      monitoring-prometheus-node-exporter-wasxg                     1/1     Running            0                  5m
     monitoring      prometheus-monitoring-kube-prometheus-prometheus-0            2/2     Running            0                  5m
     $ kubectl port-forward --namespace monitoring monitoring-grafana-596asdsd79-pm5f6 3000
     $ kubectl port-forward --namespace monitoring prometheus-monitoring-kube-prometheus-prometheus-0  9090
     $ kubectl port-forward --namespace monitoring alertmanager-monitoring-kube-prometheus-alertmanager-0 9093
linux docs learn kubernetes helm monitoring grafana alertmanager db node-exporter

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